

Community Resilience

Community Safety & Safe routes to School   |   Community Environmental Improvements   |   Anti Social Behaviour/nuisance and parking
|   Emergency Planning   |   Youth Projects   |   Broadband   |   Climate Change   |   Health and Wellbeing


Parish Emergency Plan

The Town Council is reviewing an Emergency Plan for the Parish and attends regular seminars run by the Environment Agency.

The Plan includes details of contact numbers and assembly centres plus forms to identify vulnerable persons who may need assistance in the event of an emergency such as a flood. The Town Council is still seeking Volunteers to assist as Flood Wardens.

An information booklet has been delivered to all houses in the Parish containing forms to register as a volunteer or to be added to the vulnerable persons register.

Please contact the Council if you wish to volunteer or to be added to the vulnerable persons list.

VE Day - 75th Anniversary

Decorative memorial planters were located in the Parish instead of the planned event.

Memorial/Peace Garden

The Memorial Garden is now almost complete and looks superb with the addition of a Memorial bench and new notice board, a central obelisk is now planned as a finishing touch.

Many thanks to Thornton and Brook for all their hard work to finish the project on time for the Blessing, and everyone else who contributed. The Blessing was attended by County, District and Town Councillors, Staff and Volunteers, local Churches, the Uniformed Groups, local businesses and residents.

Neighbourhood Watch 

 The Town Council will support any start- up Groups in the Parish. Neighbourhood Watch is now community led.